269.447.2672 | Fax: 269.525.2331

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Warm up:

  • 4 way (body banded) jogging
  • 4 way (body banded) SLS with alt OH reach
  • 4 way (boy banded) mini jumps

Mobility / Movement Prep:

  • Connection breath
  • Connection breath with cross body connection


50″ work / 10″ rest, 5 rounds

  • Jog in place (face away) snow angels with bands
  • Single arm OH hold (face toward) retro lunge
  • Pallof hold (face sideways) lateral lunge into resistance
  • Banded body (lateral pull) bird dog

Cool down / Correctives:

  • Connection breath with cross body connection
  • Connection breath with cross body connection + uex
  • Connection breath with cross body connection + lex

Mindset Considerations:

  • Must be present for this. 🙂

Tire Talk #47: MamaBears

MamaBear Program: Lift, Learn, Grow, Repeat.

  • This is an 8-week session for 12-wk to 99-yrs postpartum mamas wanting to work on strength, mobility, and stability with considerations specific to a mama’s pelvic floor and core.
  • This course is free to Unlimited Members, discounted to $50 for 3x/week Members, and $125 for non-members.
  • Topics will include: proper strengthening technique, sleep health, life balance, sex, body image and additional topics unique to our MamaBears.
  • We will meet Wednesdays from 7 – 8:15 pm
  • Limit of 15 mamas per 8-week session

Click here to register!