This Week’s Info
- Theme: Power Week!
What the heck is POWER WEEK?! It will be a week of learning or refining your education of movement! There will be videos, pictures and demonstrations of 6 major movements to allow you to connect with your body in ways you haven’t felt before! This is a perfect time before BURN WEEK next week and in preparation for our upcoming ASSESSMENT WEEK!
- Mobility Focus: Global
- Stability Goals: Global
- Skill work: Lifelong Learning
WOD Programming Schedule (thru Nov 27th)
- Monday – Deadlift
- Tuesday – Front Squat
- Wednesday – Hang Power Clean
- Thursday – Push Jerk
- Friday – Pull Up
- Saturday – Bench Press
End Of Year Schedule
December 6th – 11th: Burn Week!
December 13th – 18th: Assessment Week!
December 20th – 25th: Member Week!
December 27th – Jan 1st: Best of 2021!
- *NEW* WOD Schedule
- Check out the new WOD schedule starting Dec 6th!
- Wednesday Barre class will continue through the end of 2021 but will be moved to just Mondays at 4:30pm in 2021.
- Give the Gift of Health this year!
- With supply chain issues galore and stress levels rising, give a gift that will matter. Our staff would be honored to serve you and your loved ones on your journey to become the best version of yourself.
- Contact Amanda (amanda@mindsetpt.com) to purchase today!
- We have the following available for gift cards!
- Massage with Dr. Allyson (contact Amanda)
- Mama Bear with Mary-Katherine
- Gym memberships
- 10- Session Punch Cards
- 1:1 personal training with Cassidi
- Fit3D Scan (contact Amanda)
Health Tip
I want you to consider your relationship with food for a moment. What do you use it for? If you have a meal that doesn’t support your personal goals, how do you feel afterwards? Do you feel guilty? Do you assign some moral value to it, such as “If I eat this ice cream, then I am fat and lack willpower”?
You will notice that at Mindset, we believe in long-term sustainable healthy habits and choices. We do not use phrases or focus on temporary goals such as “Get your Body Back!” or “Work off that Turkey!”.
As you execute your plan to achieve your goals, consider if the actions you are using are healthy or unhealthy. Since we are all finishing a holiday week where our eating habits might have shifted a little, please remember there are different types of eating behaviors. What types of eating behaviors are you using to achieve your goals?

Member of the Month – November
Greg Radisch is one of our awesome members who is a proud Papa, plank record holder for the gym and one incredible human. He is so humble and kind that anyone who has had the chance to workout with him leaves better than when they arrived. We are blessed to have him leading many of our afternoon classes! We love you Greg!

COVID Policy Updates
- You can find our complete COVID-19 Protocol HERE