269.447.2672 | Fax: 269.525.2331

The Week of
Motivation vs. Consistency

This Week’s Info

  • Mobility Focus: Thoracic & Shoulder
  • Stability Goals:  Scapular Retraction / Rotation
  • Skill Work: Pull Up 1
  • Mindset: Motivation vs. Consistency

WOD Programming Schedule

  • Monday: Strength
  • Tuesday: MetCon
  • Wednesday: Pliability
  • Thursday: Strength
  • Friday: MetCon
  • Saturday: Pliability



  • We want to hear from YOU! As we approach the Fall and Winter seasons, we want to hear your needs! Please take 3 min to give us your feedback through this short survey!

Summer of You Challenge!

  • Winners will be announced this week!!

Attention Masters Members!

  • We heard you! HERE is your link to register for our Masters Nutrition Course!
  • The course will be Fridays 9:30-10am starting Sept 9th thru Oct 14th!
  • Topics will include anatomy, physiology, macronutrient / micronutrient education and more!
  • BUDDY DISCOUNT ALERT! This course is open to the public so bring a non-member friend and you both get 10% off!

Health Tip

How often do you feel “ready” in life?

I have always felt that I can do more, no matter what I am faced with. However, I am never completely ready for anything. But this hasn’t stopped me from taking the first step and pursuing my dreams.

Never has, and never will.

Sometimes I failed, but most of the time, despite not being “ready,” I took the first step and reached my goals. Big or small.

Whether it was an exam or a life-changing event, I knew one thing — there is no such thing as the right moment or being 100% ready.

You can always do more, learn more, prepare more…or wait for a better time.

But eventually, you’ll have to take the first step.

Otherwise, you’ll end up spending your entire life waiting for the perfect opportunity, without actually experiencing it.

And that’s the risk of waiting until you are ready.

Functional Medicine Corner

Last week, we finished our discussion of the five main functions of the gut, speaking about the importance of the gut-brain axis, or the very tight connection between gut health and how well our brain functions. I mentioned that at least 90% of the serotonin in our body is made by beneficial bacteria in the gut. Many of us are aware that this neurotransmitter can make us happy, but what does it do for us exactly, and how can we increase it?

Serotonin is manufactured partly with the precursor tryptophan – an amino acid, or primary protein building block found in many meat sources (yes, like turkey!). When it is produced, it works to not only help us regulate our mood, but also keeps the digestive tract moving. In addition, melatonin is made from serotonin in the brain, so it helps us to get better sleep. Serotonin also works to help improve clotting when we are healing.

There is quite a bit we can do daily to help increase our own serotonin, including:

  1. Eat more tryptophan-rich foods, such as poultry, milk and fish, but also bananas, apples and prunes.
  2. Get more exercise, as exercise boosts serotonin production indirectly, partly due to benefits in gut health overall. In addition, exercise requires the release of tryptophan into the blood stream, allowing it to become available to be made into serotonin.
  3. Spend time in the sun! It is still around in abundance for a few more weeks, but especially in the winter it is important to continue to expose ourselves to the sun for at least 10-15 minutes daily. This can help keep serotonin levels higher, decreasing the incidence of seasonal affective disorder.
  4. Optimize your gut microbiome, by eating probiotic foods and beverages, avoiding unnecessary antibiotic exposure, getting outside in nature, and sometimes taking a good probiotic.

~ Carrie Palmer PA-C, IFMCP
Please feel free to reach out to Carrie directly with additional questions at 269-224-1659!

Member of the Month – Nicole Asher


We are so pumped and honored to have you in our crazy community! You master consistency, hard work and passion!  We love to watch you bring your best every single workout and cheer on others!

Help us send some MINDSET LOVE to Nicole this month!
