269.447.2672 | Fax: 269.525.2331

This Week’s Info

  • Theme: Implicit Bias
  • Mobility Focus: Shoulder OH
  • Stability Goals: Shoulder 90-180 deg
  • Skill work: Negatives / Eccentric Phase

WOD Programming Schedule

  • New Schedule April 11th – May 7th
    • Monday / Thursday – Strength
    • Tuesday / Friday – MetCon
    • Wednesday / Saturday – Pliability


  • Testimonial Request!
    • Have you enjoyed your time with us? Do you love your community of lifting and sweating buddies? We want to hear from YOU!
    • Let Amanda (amanda@mindsetpt.com) know if you are interested in helping with this project!
  • Schedule Changes
    • Yoga will sadly be discontinued as of May. Our final yoga class will be April 30th. We have loved offering this type of class for our members but due to difficulty finding instructors and low attendance, we will be removing this from our list of offerings at this time.
    • The Monday 4:30pm Barre class will be changing over to a Daily WOD as of April 25th.
    • We will be closed for Memorial Day.
    • We want your feedback regarding scheduling, classes, instructors, and more! HERE is a short survey to help us make your membership even better! We love and appreciate you!
  • Summer Courses
    • MamaBear 
      • Mary-Katherine will be offering 2 summer sessions for our mamas! HERE is the link for more information on dates, times and registration!
    • Better Runner
      • Our Better Runner course is back! HERE is the link for additional details, dates, times and registration!
    • Athena
      • Dr. Allyson and Cassidi are bringing back Mindset’s POWERFUL and life-changing female athlete program for girls ages 12-15.
      • Click HERE to register your female athlete today!
  • Deep Self & Nutrition Coaching Now Available!
    • HERE is more information about this amazing program!
    • We now offer nutrition coaching in our membership packages! We would be honored to upgrade your membership to include these expert services.
    • Please contact Amanda (amanda@mindsetpt.com) if you are interested in upgrading your plan to include nutritional coaching!

Health Tip

Implicit bias is our topic for these 2 weeks for your health tip. Last week we discussed what it is and now–what do we do about it?

  1. Acknowledge YOU have biases. Lots of them. Lots and lots of them! They are created in your brain from all the things in your life that you have seen, heard, learned and experienced.
  2. Acknowledge that having biases doesn’t make you a bad person. But we believe in self improvement, so let’s get better!
  3. Practice pause. Before acting in a situation, pause for 10 seconds before writing that email or making that phone call and ask yourself, why do you want to say or do what it is you were planning on? What went into that decision?
  4. Ask questions of yourself. Why do you think the way you do?
  5. Active listening to others. Humans are so cool and we are all a product of our environment to some extent. Our perception of reality is from a place of complete individuality. So see if you can learn or experience someone else’s reality from time to time.
  6. Surround yourself with information, podcasts, or people from other schools of thought. Expose yourself to things you normally don’t!
  7. Develop a mindset of always being a beginner. It is ok to always be learning and growing. None of us have ever done the perfect deadlift but that doesn’t stop us from trying.

Functional Medicine Corner

In the next few weeks, we will place a spotlight on a few essential nutrients that are crucially important in optimizing so many aspects of body function, one at a time.  Today we will begin with MAGNESIUM, as it is essential to over 300 biochemical reactions that our body engages in daily.

Magnesium is an important mineral that is involved in protein synthesis. In addition, it plays a significant role in muscle and nerve function, partly due to its involvement in shuttling sodium and potassium across cell membranes. This sodium/potassium shuttle that magnesium helps govern also plays an important role in heart rhythmGlucose and blood pressure regulation are also improved with adequate magnesium levels. AND, magnesium is an essential structural component of bone, making this an important consideration when addressing osteoporosis.

Data analysis from NHANES, or the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2013-2016 found that 48% of Americans ingest less magnesium from their diet than is recommended. Next week we will discuss dietary sources as well as consideration for supplementation.

~ Carrie Palmer PA-C, IFMCP
Please feel free to reach out to Carrie directly with additional questions at 269-224-1659!

Member of the Month – April

Hey MINDSET family! This month’s member of the month is the AMAZING JILL WELLS!

Check her out rocking the Wonder Woman workout!

We love your energy Jill–you are strong inside and out. You can conquer the world and we are constantly inspired by you!

COVID Policy Updates

  • You can find our complete COVID-19 Protocol HERE

MindsetPT Reminders

  • Previous Newsletters can be found HERE!
  • Use our MindsetPT app or our website calendar for easy reference!


– Your Mindset Family