269.447.2672 | Fax: 269.525.2331

This Week’s Info

  • Theme: Movie Week!
  • Mobility Focus: Global
  • Stability Goals: Global
  • Skill work: Global

WOD Programming Schedule (thru Feb 26th)

  • Feb 28th – March 5th: Movie Week
    • MondayWonder Woman
    • Tuesday Rocky
    • Wednesday Lion King
    • ThursdayHarry Potter
    • FridayBlack Widow
    • SaturdayYOUR Name In Lights
  • March 7th – 12th: Assessment Week


  • Events!
    • Dr. Allyson’s first performance of 2022!
      • Don’t miss this chance to see Dr. Allyson perform live at The Wellspring Theater!
      • WHEN: Saturday April 9th @ 7pm
      • You can purchase a ticket to watch LIVE or Virtually! More information HERE
    • Athena is Back!
      • Allyson and Cassidi will be teaming up to offer 2 Athena sessions this summer! More info to come in the next few weeks!
    • Member Highlight!
      • Our very own Ashley Trieu, licensed counselor and masters-level psychologist, is offering a course on parenting using the latest and greatest research in neuroscience!
      • March 19th @ 11am-12:30pm
      • Early Bird Registration HERE for only $15!

Health Tip

Movies can be so much fun! We have spoken about the many arms of health, and don’t forget about your mental health!

I encourage you to think of one of your favorite movies this week. Mine is The Princess Bride. Share this with someone you love and spread joy in your circle!

Bring back those deep belly laughs and sore-cheek smiles! Don’t forget the joy that movies and making memories can bring. After all, life moves pretty fast sometimes…

Functional Medicine Corner

Welcome to a new section of the newsletter! Here we will address the many ways we can optimize health further by focusing on lifestyle, nutrition and gut health.

Stress — it is something that affects every single one of us periodically, as well as many of us chronically. But what is it really doing, other than driving us crazy and making us feel like we need to either break out the wine or chocolate?

We are going to dive into the importance of cortisol, or our “stress” hormone, and its many effects on the body in the coming weeks.

But first, what is cortisol exactly?

Cortisol is our “fight or flight” hormone that, when released in significant quantities, allows us to run away from the saber-toothed tiger evolutionarily, or allows us to perform at our best in high-pressure situations.

Ideally it spikes in short bursts, and then goes back down to normal levels within minutes to hours. In the short term, this cortisol feeds extra “energy” into:

  1. our muscles and our heart and lungs to allow us to run faster, lift more and jump higher, and
  2. our brain to allow us precise and narrow focus.

What is often not considered is the fact that we all use cortisol daily, to supply energy for necessary bodily function. (JFK suffered from Addison’s, or low cortisol). Optimally, cortisol spikes around 30 minutes after waking up, acting as our natural cup of coffee. Then slowly through the day, cortisol goes down.

Cortisol then should remain quite low through the night, allowing a truly restful and deep sleep.

Stay tuned as we dive deeper into this essential hormone in the coming weeks!

~ Carrie Palmer PA-C, IFMCP

Please feel free to reach out to Carrie directly with additional questions at 269-224-1659!

Member of the Month – March

Allow me to introduce Helen Lemmer! You will find Helen showing up almost every single day! She has grown leaps and bounds in her strength, posture and balance. We love having her around and seeing that smile!

Sometimes you will also catch the Lemmer Ladies as her daughter, Kristina is a member too! It is so awesome to see these two improving their health TOGETHER!

COVID Policy Updates

  • You can find our complete COVID-19 Protocol HERE

MindsetPT Reminders

  • Previous Newsletters can be found HERE!
  • Use our MindsetPT app or our website calendar for easy reference!


– Your Mindset Family