269.447.2672 | Fax: 269.525.2331

“The little things?
The little moments?
They aren’t little.”
– John Kabat-Zinn

This Week’s Info

  • Theme: The Little Things
  • Mobility Focus: Shoulder / TS 90-180 deg
  • Stability Goals: Shoulder / Rotator Cuff 90-180 deg
  • Skill work: Push 2

WOD Programming Schedule (thru January 29th)

  • Monday / Friday: MetCon
  • Tuesday / Thursday: Strength
  • Wednesday / Saturday: Pliability


  • New in ’22:
    • Cassidi’s Core Course!
      • When: Feb 15th @ 5:30pm
      • Where: Mindset Gym
      • What: She is going to do an in-depth dive into what exactly the core is, how it works, how to breathe and how to properly activate to protect your back!
      • 15 people only so book your spot today!
      • Members get 25% off with discount code member-course-discount!
    • Want more 1:1 time with your coaches? 
      • Want undivided attention with individualized feedback for any of your power lifts?
      • Want to have your movements analyzed with a trained eye and even video software?
      • Do you want any customized core work for home?
      • If so, schedule a 1:1 session with Cassidi TODAY! 

Health Tip

Over the last few weeks, we talked about The Compound Effect and how CHOICES affect this!

Small, Smart Choices + Consistency + Time = Radical Difference

So now, how do we modify our choices, behaviors, and habits?

Step #1 – AWARENESS (see last week)


You are responsible for what you do or don’t do. Completely owning all of your choices and the ways you respond means everything is up to you! You are responsible for yourself and therefore your results. This is good news!!!

Jim Rohn said “The day you graduate from childhood to adulthood is the day you take full responsibility for your life.”

I love taking ownership of my choices and decisions because then I hold the power – the power of my destiny and outcomes! There is so much in the world that is out of my control, but what I choose to do is all me!

Next week, we will talk more about the HOW… Tracking!

*NEW* Functional Medicine Corner

Welcome to a new section of the newsletter! Here we will address the many ways we can optimize health further by focusing on lifestyle, nutrition and gut health.  

Last week, we discussed the importance of fostering our gut microbiome when considering the health of our immune system. But how do we do that? 

We will begin a 3-part series about the main ways to directly increase the beneficial bacteria in the gut. Working on addressing at least one, if not all three, can be incredibly helpful in sustaining your gut microbiome so that it may help you as optimally as possible.

PART 1: Take probiotic supplements

This is probably the most frequently considered therapy, and we especially consider this an optimal option if you are or have taken antibiotics. However, it is important to ensure the quality of the product. Keeping bacteria alive in a capsule or powder is difficult, so generally the lowest cost probiotics are not going to deliver many viable bacteria – a waste of money spent. Often it is best to purchase one through a health food store, or with guidance from a health care provider, rather than finding one of the cheapest options on the shelf at the pharmacy or grocery store.

– Carrie Palmer PA-C, IFMCP

Please feel free to reach out to Carrie directly with additional questions at 269-224-1659!

Member of the Month – January

Allow me to introduce NANCY KOTARSKI! You will usually find Nancy rocking out with the 4:30pm crew (and keeping Greg in line!). She brings laughter and joy, and a seriously whitty perspective on life. We love having her around and she makes everyone around her better! Look at this ROOT! We love you more than you know!

COVID Policy Updates

  • You can find our complete COVID-19 Protocol HERE

MindsetPT Reminders

  • Previous Newsletters can be found HERE!
  • Use our MindsetPT app or our website calendar for easy reference!


– Your Mindset Family