- Theme: Desired Behaviors
- Mobility Focus: Global
- Stability Goals: Turkish Get Up
- Skill work: Turkish Get Up
WOD Programming Schedule (thru Sept 11th)
- Monday/Thursday – Strength
- Tuesday/Friday – Pliability
- Wednesday/Saturday – MetCon
1) Closed Labor Day Weekend
- It is time to rest and rejuvenate! After Friday, we will see you back bright and early on Tuesday, September 7th.
2) Let’s welcome our new Front Office Coordinator, Amanda Willer!
- Amanda is starting with us September 7th and we couldn’t be more excited!
- Amanda will be handling account management, scheduling, client experience and overall company development.
- Starting September 7th, she can be reached at Amanda@MindsetPT.com
3) Barre Class addition!
- We are changing the Monday 4:30pm WOD to another Barre Class due to popular demand!
- Look for this change to happen starting Monday September 13th!
4) New Courses!
- MamaBear – The next course begins Sept 15th! Details and sign up are HERE. Please pass this information along to a mama in need! ONE SPOT REMAINING!
- Better Runner – The next course begins October 8th. More information and registration HERE!
5) FPA / Fit3D Results
- Thank you for your patience as Dr. Ellen gets through all of these!
Health Tip
We all want things… lose weight, eat better, move more, sit less, sleep deeper… Check out this cool article about how to achieve your goals by hacking your brain’s reward system.
Member of the Month – August
Mary Jane Werner is a super hard worker (you don’t earn the nickname The Beast by slacking off), and her favorite hobby is camping!
We are so happy she’s a part of our Masters group — she brings joy and enthusiasm to every class! Look at that form!!

COVID Policy Updates
- You can find our complete COVID-19 Protocol HERE