Lifelong Learning

This Week’s Info
Mobility Focus: Global
Stability Goals: Global
Skill Work: Powerlifting
Mindset: Lifelong Learning

WOD Programming Schedule
Monday – Deadlift
Tuesday – Front Squat
Wednesday – Hang Power Clean
Thursday – Push Jerk
Friday – Pull Up
Saturday – Bench Press

February 5th – March 2nd: Training Cycle Resumes
Mon/Thurs – Met Con
Tues/Fri – Pliability
Wed/Sat – Strength
March 4th – 9th: Movie Week!

Mindset Health Tip
What the heck is POWER WEEK?!
It will be a week of learning or refining your education of movement! There will be teaching, videos, pictures and demonstrations of 6 major movements to allow you to connect with your body in ways you haven’t felt before!
Remember, the goal is to have a White Belt Mentality…

Functional Medicine Corner
As we discussed last week, the vegan diet has gained much popularity over the years, and research shows that it can provide significant health benefits for many. However, in touting the benefits of eating plants, there have also been some who claim that eating any animal products will only lead to poorer health parameters. Animal-based trans fats are one nutrient that has been villainized recently. However, research suggests a different story.
Research is crystal clear on artificial, or man-made trans-fats, and the fact that these can lead to inflammation as well as an increased risk of heart disease, obesity, and cancer. However, animal-based trans fats such as CLA have also been researched extensively. Multiple studies on these natural trans fats strongly suggest that ingestion either has no effect, or even provides some protection against heart disease.
In addition, research suggests that there is an inverse association between diabetes risk and levels of CLA in the tissue, as it helps to improve insulin sensitivity in the tissues. CLA has also been shown to increase lean body mass by increasing breakdown and reducing storage of body fat.
Although CLA is found in many meat products, it is highest in grass-fed meat and grass-fed dairy products. Just like we are what we eat, so are the animals we ingest. And feeding the animals what they are evolutionarily made to eat significantly changes the health profile. Therefore, focusing on ingesting animals that are raised traditionally can alter health parameters alone. Our health is affected by what we eat, so it makes sense that the animal products we ingest are no different.
For more details on this, you can dive deeper here.
Please feel free to reach out to Carrie directly with additional questions at 269-224-1659!
Member of the Month

These incredible women are your Mindset Power Knitters! Their friendship started here at Mindset and blossomed to include knitting! They have exchanged priceless knowledge and countless laughs! Together they have worked on many projects but my personal favorite was the handmade baby blanket for Amanda’s daughter, Blake!
These women are incredible and a joy to know. If you want to learn about knitting after you lift heavy things here at Mindset, we would be honored to connect you!
Happy Member(s) of the Month to these fine women:
- Joann Gadbaw
- Michelle Bosch
- Teri Olbrot
- Carol Anderson
- Kim Tabor
Community Partners
We are overjoyed to announce our partnership with MRC Artworks!
This is an incredible organization! Their mission is to encourage and support individuals living with a disability to achieve the fullest potential through employment, skill building, and active community involvement.
We have 14 pieces for sale! We will be collecting any sales then giving all the proceeds back to MRC. Artists will receive 75% commission on all sales!
Come check them out at our office or at their downtown location!

Another AMAZING partnership we are bringing to you is our very own local juicer – JuicyLeaf!
Come check them out at our office or at their downtown location or schedule a pick up at Mindset every Tuesday from 3-7pm!
**Place your orders before NOON on SUNDAYS**
Does Juicy Leaf use organic fruits and vegetables?
- We strictly use certified organic or local, organically grown produce unless an item is on the “EWG Clean Fifteen” list; e.g. pineapples, melons, etc.
clean_fifteen_list.php#. WlJKyVQ-eHo
What’s the difference between a juice and a smoothie?
- The main difference is fiber. Most of the insoluble fiber is removed in the juicing process.
- By taking the fiber out, you can pack more fruit & veggie nutrients into a juice than you can into a smoothie of the same size.
- The lack of insoluble fiber allows your body to rapidly absorb the nutrients while expending minimal digestive effort.
- Smoothies are made by pulverizing fruit/veggies with liquid in a blender. The insoluble fiber, which helps keep things moving through your system, is maintained in the process.
What are the benefits of juice?
- Several servings of fruit & veg nutrition effortlessly absorbed without energy taxing digestion.
- Easy way to incorporate more fruits and veg in diet than eating produce alone.
- Boosts immunity and energy. Alkalizing, chronic illness prevention, helps aid in weight loss, clear skin, healthy hair.